Diary Entry 26
Each time my dad calls, I will be left wondering if my dad set a new world record for the worlds shortest phone conversation ever.
Previous Post -The South Indian Glossary

At 9:30, every night my mother calls.
Me: Hello amma
Mom: Hello
Mom: Endha Vishashum? (What is new?)
Me: Vishashum onnum illa. (Nothing much)
Mom: Endengil vishashum parra da. (Tell me something da)
Me: hehe onnum sambavachilla ma. (Lol Nothing happened ma)
Mom: When are you coming home next?
Me: Dunno ma
Mom: Ahvada Mazha indoe? (Did it rain there?)
Me: Illa. (No)
Mom: Did you read the news paper today?
Me: Mmmmm
Mom: Sheesh
Me: Hehe I don’t have time to read news paper amma.
Mom: Eda, do you atleast know who Anna Hazaree is?
Me: Mmmmm lok pal blah blah.
Mom: My god. It is a shame if they ask you to say something about it in group discussion and if you have nothing to say.
Me: Mmmm
Mom: Ahharam Kaicho. (Did you eat anything?)
Me: mmmm
Mom: Ivada Sunny aunty nde maganu oru kutti prasavichu. (Here Sunny auntys son had a baby)
Me: mmmm
Mom: I will go out to get something for the baby tomorrow, so I can visit them over the weekend.
Me: Mmmm
Mom: The uncle in our colony, who works in MRF, in our colony died
Me: Mmmmm
Mom: Geroge uncles son got enganged.
Me: Mmmmm
Mom: Shantha chechi is getting a operation done
Me: Mmmm
Mom: It is not anything very serious.
Me: Mmmm
Mom: Hmmm how is class going? When is your exam?
Me: Mmmm
Me: Hehe :D
Phone cut.
Call summary: 8 minutes 43seconds.
Two weeks later, I call my mother in the middle of the day when she is working.
Me: Hello amma. I want to do a summer training. Can you ask our colony uncle who is in MRF if I can join there.
Me: Oh? When??
Mom: @$%!$
Then there is dad. This is what happens when he calls.
Me: Hello
Dad: Hello Kutta? Vishashum onnum illalo? (There is nothing new rite?)
Me: Illa acha. (No Acha)
Phone cut.
Call summary – 4 seconds.

I hate talking to people over the phone because it restricts my ability to multitask. Since my dad is a multi multitasker, it is a lot more brief with him. And from what my mother told me when I went home last time, every male cousin of mine have similar if not less brief conversations, when they get a call from home. I assumed that this was the case with every guy. But I was wrong.
One day I called my eating buddy to go out to eat. He told me I have to pay for him and he will pay me later on because he did not have any money at that point of time. I agreed and he told me he will come to my room at 7 Pm. He was on the phone when he came to my room. We went to the place where we eat and he was still on the phone. He made signals with his hand and told me what he wanted to eat and I placed the order for him. He was eating and he was still on the phone. I paid the bill and he was still on the phone. We came back to our rooms at 8:30 and that is when he said bye and hung up. He was speaking to a someone for ONE AND A HALF HOURS.
Me: Enna macha? Figure ah? (What Macha? Was it some chick?)
Friend: Illa da. That was my brother. (No da. It was my brother.)
Friend: Enna da? (What da?)
Me: What did you talk to him for so long? Wait. How can you talk to him for so long?
Friend: Grr... Figure call panna mattum ne kaddala podarele? :x (You talk so long when chicks call rite? :x )
Me: Sheesh.
He had a point there. I was not laconic to everybody I spoke to over the phone. That is when I realised that the people who I talk very little over the phone are the ones I am sure I wont lose no matter what. I tend to take those relationships for granted. So last time when someone complained that I don’t talk to them as much over the phone, I had only one thing to say, “Congratulations, You are the latest addition to my family tree.”
Previous Post -The South Indian Glossary
34 Comments for this post:
LOL...thats so true :)..i do the same when i talk to mom n dad! just 'hmmm's n 'aah's n 'oh's...
nice post :)
LOL..i hate to talk on the phone..and mmmmm a lot when i talk with my frens..it distract me a lot and sometimes the mmmmm may sound awkward to the person on the other side of the line..
i usually have the conversation on speaker so that i can resume whatever i was doing:):)
Oh gosh! so much so like me... Loved the post..
Pretty much the case with me.. Aaahh yaa mmm haa with parents... In fact when my cousin calls he tells me it looks like he's talking to some stranger :P ...
But with besties I go on and on and on... Is that weird? Coz I don't wanna lose these guys too.. Looks like "taken for granted" in my case also.. shyaa kashtam :P
Oh my goD! That is so true. Snippets from my life too!
Great post...
:D :D not bad either :D
Its like opposite in my case. :O
I keep on blabbering and dad is like hmm..okay and all :P
P.S. Nice post :)..
I totally like the way you write. :) I hope one day I will be able to write as well. :)
Huhuhuuu :P
I can talk for hours with anyone and everyone. :P
Poor your mom re :p I hate when people keep doing mmmm for everything I say!
Funny post, as usuaaal :D
ROFL!!!! This reminds me of my conversation with my own parents!! :D
and btw, I was going through your previous post and trust me, those are the few words that I have picked up well being in Chennai for a year now.. :D I didn't know thala though .. in Bengali, thala means plate :D however, now I know what it means in Tamil..lol.. thanks.. enjoyed reading your posts!! :D and oh , CHEERS TO NARCISSISM \M/ :D
nice and realistic post mr narcissist . Same with me too and with dad i exchange sms now and its working fine ....
I so relate to this. If I talk for more that ten minutes on the phone, my ears start to pain and I get restless. I start scribbling something or go into a world of my own. Then it'll be just a lot of mmm's and ok's.
I marvel at people who can talk on the phone for 2-3 hours. Yes, I know such people. I mean, HOW! When I was in a relationship, the max I could talk was 1 hour. After that relationship ended, so did my tolerance for talking on the phone. The only person I talk to daily is my mom. And that too just for 10 minutes, unless she has the news of the entire khaandaan to give me. I can text at the speed of light, but talking... nah..
By the way, I suffer from a disease called postsmilelongcomments-itis. Please to be excused.
your amma is just soo cute!!Rerminded me of the conversations i have with mine..
Dada just talk the core of every subject and hang up..Leaves me to figure out the rest!
Loved your conclusion :)
But if my Hubby were to ever try this ruse with me, I'd roast him alive.
Loved the last line
Stay Blessed ^_^
nice post Abhishek... Yes even I know people who talk hours on phone... Even I used to talk for hours in night during college days (conference calls u know). But I can't do that now as time is very limited but I had abundance of time then... :)
Thank you anand :) Time is indeed something I seem to lack these days :)
You are my 100th follower. Congratulations :)
Thank you shashank :D
Now if i get married i better find someone who will put up with that :)
LOL and I will say conversations over the phone should be like the one you have with dada :)
LOL When in a relationship, we do things that amazes us :D
LOL and you are excused :D
Lol my mom is a doctor and she still hasnt figured out how to text :D
lol thank you and may Narcissism reign supreme :D
lol yes my mom is pavam :)
Thank you :)
they say women are verbal creatures ;)
Thank you for your compliment :)
:D :D
LOL I guess it is a story of all our lives :D
Maybe it is a trait we mallus have :D But i must say contrary to what you do, I treat both my parents and best friends without discrimination.
LOL Happy you could connect :D :D
And thank you :)
Lol I do that loud speaker thing too :D It is nice to have both hands free. Now moved on to head phones :D
Most People are like us I guess :)
And thanks :)
Hahaha ! :D Men , its a guy thing really ! Except those like your friend ofcourse . The last para was nice , now that I think of it even I have the shortest conversations with people I love most :D
I guess that is because we dont have to worry about losing them...
awesome post
Thank you :)
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