Who is the real Narcissist?
Not Me...
The word Narcissism has its origins in the Greek Mythology.
There was a handsome hunter named Narcissus who fell in love with himself after
seeing his reflection in the water. He loved himself so much that he couldn’t take
his eyes of the reflection. He was so captivated that he died there looking at
his own reflection. So who are the Narcissists of the modern world?
If you use twitter or facebook you would have met them. If
you use twitter to follow some of the great people you look up to, you will often
find yourself disappointed. You probably like them for some awesome dialogue
they said in a movie or something great they said during a speech. A dialogue or
a line which gives you goose bumps each time you hear it. You thought there was
nobody greater than this guy and you wanted to be like him someday. When you
first joined twitter and when you followed him, you expected him to display
that same greatness in his tweets. Instead, what do you get?
“I love the smell of warm coffee on a Sunday morning...”
What makes them give such light headed confessions?
Narcissism of course. Recently I saw a chain message being circulated among
guys in their facebook wall. It was a message to curb a type of Narcissism
which is so widespread among the female population.
“4 out of every 5 girls' statuses (every now n
then) read like:
awwww!!!♥ ♥ today had loaadsss of fun with nisha,isha, misha & gusha ♥♥...also stay at dundu's house wass awesumm...thnk u shoo muchh dundu :))) u r shoo shweet !! cant forget u guyyysss...:D :D and tuttuu ...will missh u shoo muchh :(( :(( ...hugss. ♥♥ !!
which is followed by (God knows for what) 35 likes and 142 comments!!! “
awwww!!!♥ ♥ today had loaadsss of fun with nisha,isha, misha & gusha ♥♥...also stay at dundu's house wass awesumm...thnk u shoo muchh dundu :))) u r shoo shweet !! cant forget u guyyysss...:D :D and tuttuu ...will missh u shoo muchh :(( :(( ...hugss. ♥♥ !!
which is followed by (God knows for what) 35 likes and 142 comments!!! “
People who suffer from Narcissistic disorder reveal this
kind of high levels of self focus and self importance. Some girls change their
display picture every other day. They then text their friends and ask them to
log in to facebook and like their new display picture. When a girl I know asked
me to do it, I asked her why she was so desperate for my like in facebook. She
said she was competing with her friend to see who got the most number of likes.
So girls these days fight for likes the same way a politician does for the
people’s votes. When a politician asks for votes it is called political
campaigning. When a girl asks her friends for their likes, it is called
Narcissism. If the handsome Greek Narcissus lived today, he wont be looking at
his reflection in the river water. He will be typing status messages in
facebook and asking people to like his display picture.
The most Narcissistic thing I did this year was changing my
facebook display picture. The display picture I had before was the two hands
holding a candle. It is the same display picture I use here in my blog and it
is the same display I have had for the last five years. So changing my display
picture and putting my own face in facebook was a big step for me. One hour and
four likes later, I changed it back to my original picture. I was far too self conscious
to put my face on display.

So if you are wondering why in the world I named my blog
Diary of the Narcissist, I have to tell you how I was inspired to write a blog
to begin with. A guy in my facebook friends list was boasting that he got some
thousand visitors for his blog in that month. I was amazed. I had no idea he
was such a great blogger. I had to read some of his stuff. So I went to his
blog to find the most boring piece of sh*t in the world. I thought if he can
write such stuff and get away with it, I should write stuff too. His blog was
about politics and sports. I could not write about such stuff because I barely
read the news paper to develop an opinion about stuff like the lok pal. The
only news paper I read is the New York Times. Though it might sound all fancy
and hi fi, let me tell you it is more like a magazine and contains little latest
headlines. So I couldn’t write about politics, sports, entertainment, business
or social stuff. Not because I did not want to, but because I did not have any
original thought in those areas. I decided I will write about the stuff that
happens in my life and since I am focusing my blog on me, nothing can be more
appropriate for a title than Diary of the Narcissist. At that time I thought
nobody was so crazy enough to write blogs about their own lives. I wouldn’t be
a Narcissist now had I known the number of people who wrote sad stories about
their lives in such tragic ways that gives the reader suicidal tendencies. I
guess it has ultimately served the purpose of giving me a unique identity as a
I was worried people will start thinking I have a personality
disorder because of my blog title. But one gentleman gave such a fine review
for my blog. He doesn’t know me but has got his review spot on. It has laid all
my worries to rest about readers misjudging my personality. Check out the
review he gave me by visiting Lucifer House Inc.
He gives reviews
for anybody who wants them (provided you satisfy certain conditions).
It is been six months since I started writing and I am
celebrating my blogs half birthday today. I know nobody celebrates half
birthdays but where is the originality if everybody celebrates their birthdays
after a year? And what is so special about the birthday? I got a new custom URL
for my blog - www.diaryofthenarcissist.com.
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