Diary Entry - 51
Every now and then a guy comes and says, "intro kudu machi." (Introduce me to her dude.) When I refuse to help them out, they think I am afraid of them stealing my thunder. Little do they realize that I am doing them all a big favor and have their best interests at heart.
You might have seen
pictures and memes making jokes about women’s idiosyncrasies. My friend Jessie
served as an inspiration for all those pictures. Of course her name is not
Jessie. For the sake of anonymity, I picked the name Jessie which happened to be
the name of the female lead of Jessie’s favorite Tamil movie Vinnaithaandi
Varuvaayaa. For those of you who have not heard of this movie, it shares a key
similarity with Twilight by having an unusual number of delusional teenage girls in its fan base. Fortunately though, unlike twilight they
decided to end things with one movie instead of making a whole series.
I don’t usually
hook men up with my female friends but I didn’t want anybody to think Jessie
was my girlfriend, so I made no fuss. So that is how Jessie added this guy on
Facebook and she did it from my very own laptop. She sent him a hi and he was
on fire. He was typing so much and he was doing it so fast that if he wrote a book with that speed, he might have finished it in an hour. Jessie however is
very adept in conversing with monosyllables and how long her replies were
depended on how many mS she chose to put in her hmmmm.
Every now and then a guy comes and says, "intro kudu machi." (Introduce me to her dude.) When I refuse to help them out, they think I am afraid of them stealing my thunder. Little do they realize that I am doing them all a big favor and have their best interests at heart.

Some people wrongly think Jessie is my girlfriend. What she really is, is
a pain in the a**. She is a part time model and has a reasonable amount of intelligence
that fetch her good grades in college. She is someone you would call beauty
makeup with brains. Most men including my own male buddies are actively
pursuing her on Facebook for reasons unknown to me. Jessie however doesn’t add
men she doesn't know. The other day, a friend of mine came to me and said, “Dude
I got rejected.” At first I thought his masters’ application got turned down. But
he went on to ask me to give him a recommendation. I politely told him he needed
to ask his department’s dean for that, as recommendations from me won’t be
valid. For that he replied, “That old man doesn't know Jessie.” He was talking
about Jessie rejecting his Facebook friend request and he wanted me to give him
a recommendation to get accepted. What has the world come to?

Jessie didn’t waste
her time engaging in idle chat with men. She had more important things to do
like stalk people’s profiles. She stalked both men and women without
discrimination. She will like every picture in a girls profile but when it came
to guys, she had this "I don't give likes to guys photo" policy. Apparently liking pictures where there are men in
it will create some sort of controversy in her life. Only when she was about to log out did she notice the chat window of the poor guy I gave recommendation to. She said “hmmm. K da. wil talk 2 u later” and she logged
out. That was the longest reply she had given him.
29 Comments for this post:
The worst thing one can do to a person is reply with a "k". Dude, even an okay would be better.
You write long texts with absolutely no shortcuts whatsoever and the opposite person slams an 'k' in your face.
All you want to do that minute is band the opposite person's head on the wall and turn that thing called brain to pulp. :X
that reminded me of Barney from How i met your mother who always hooked up Ted with a girl and it every time ended in a disaster ..
i remember while i was in Johannesburg, my South African colleague hooked me up with a white chick and i, synonymous to shyness could not even utter anything other then hi and that's how my first date turned out to be the last one .. i wonder what's with Indian men in foreign, they go numb in front of foreigner girls ..
Yes Yes Yes to the 'K' meme...I know the feeling.
And I kinda feel sorry for your friend but you aren't wrong about not wanting to play middle-man either!
Oh well..he might get lucky sometime!:)
hahaha...friends coming for recommendations...had this experience...awesome post... ;)
This write up broght back my nostalgic memoies of the college days. We too had many jessie's around, though not in facebook, who used to ignore the desperate attempts by their fans to get at least minimal attention. Good humour with good social observation. thanks for sharing.
ha ha ha man u knw alot about d females :D :D ,,superb write up !!
Yeah if a girl does that to me, I stop talking to her the very same day :D
Haha I am in England and that is yet to happen to me :D
Lol he isnt getting lucky anytime soon :D The only way he is getting lucky is if he gets married :P
Thanks man. Glad you liked it :)
Thanks Man. I am glad you liked it :)
Lol do I now? :D Thanks Saikat :)
A good one.
Interesting post, Now I understand (finally) why Facebook is an addiction:)
You're funny.
Interesting post... :-)
hahahaha I just couldn't stop laughing. Good one mate!
Ha Ha Ha. Excellent stuff.
I hope your friends read this. Facebook flirt is a big fail on the flirter's part. Added to that, recommendations make the person sound desperate, not good!
I do know of a lot of people like this too, however, (thankfully) I have not been asked to mediate in such situations.
Perhaps you should just tell them that it seems desperate; and to grow a pair!
looooooooooooooooooool!!! love your writing!
Sema humour!! :) I too get irritated when someone replies with just a K.
Thanks Vishal :)
Lol these are not the reasons why most people are addicted :D
Thanks Shovonc
Thanks :)
Thanks Aditya :)
ROFL yeah it does kill all chances with a girl doesnt it :D Haha but some people hope against hope that it works :D
Thanks Jovita
Glad you liked it Akash
Glad to see you back in my blog again Ashwini :D
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