Diary Entry - 28
There are several IT companies that come for recruitment. But according to my friend Poochie (not his real name, it means insect in Tamil), there is no equal to TCS. Poochie thinks that working in TCS is like working in paradise. When I asked him how, he gave me the following arguments:
If you sit for TCS, you automatically become part of a new world record. Sadly that record will be broken, same time next year. Last year, TCS took 1359 students from my college. That is like 70 percent of students who sat for placements. This year they took 1755. That is 87 percent. This time, when the top officials from TCS came to our college to interview students, our college invited them like this:
We welcome you
We welcome you
You welcome our students/future TCSers
All or how many above 1359?
When I saw this and pointed it out to a friend who was reading a news paper during the pre presentation talk, we couldn’t stop laughing. His reaction was “We are a bunch of cheapos macha”. He was right. The last line did take our college to a whole new level of cheapness. It is true that TCS takes a lot of people. But my college makes it look as if TCS is Microsoft. Dont even think for a minute that only my college is like that. EVERY COLLEGE in Tamil Nadu is like that. If it is not TCS, it is some other IT company. People have a point when they say 5 % of engineering students get placed in core companies and the remaining gets placed in IT companies. So by getting placed, one automatically becomes part of a world record and that according to my friend is something one has to look forward to.
Male:Female sex ratio:
Now this is something that really made me think Poochie was right when he called TCS paradise. TCS and IT in general has been a backup job for most people. But for guys, it is a backup job with a lot of women. According to Poochie, the sex ratio is 4:15. That means there are 3 and a quarter women for each guy. Poochie couldn’t understand why people fight so much for core jobs. They pay less and they have no women there (except for the cleaning ladies). You are better off being a Jewish rabbi than joining a core job, because joining a core company is like accepting sainthood.
Work Environment:
Poochie tells me it is the best in the world. A senior told him that except for the initial taxing training period, the TCS work environment had no equal. If you are an engineering student and if you had computer lab in your course, you would have spent most of the time enjoying the ac and talking to your neighbour. Every now and then you do a little work in the computer. Working in TCS is the same thing, except here you get paid to do what you did in your college computer lab. When I told Poochie that they will fire us if we work like that, he laughed. It turns out that people who laze around get paid too. People are never fired even if they do absolutely nothing. You cant expect the same treatment in other IT companies. That is why my friend found TCS in particular to be a paradise. You are promised job security of more than a hundred percent. You cannot ask more in this world.
No Farewells:

Apart from this there are things like having a discount on all Tata products. That means the cheapest car can be brought at a cheaper price. You also get to go abroad if you are a hard worker and you will be rewarded in kind.
This is a two part post. Please read the next post A Job in Paradise – Part 2. But before you go, comment on this one and let me know what you thought.
Previous Post - My Crude Reproduction - 1
Previous Post - My Crude Reproduction - 1
22 Comments for this post:
Lol! THere's one such 'poochie' in every guys' gang who has such a theory, i spose!
And dude, I hope you dont fall for it! You sound like a pretty smart guy so far! :P
Hahaha, I'm wondering what made me miss this one :P
At few places, yup literally made me ROFL, like for instance, The people you studied with in school are also going to be there. So if you miss them, you will be able to reunite with them too and I thought, this guy is cool man :D ;)
You already told me about TCS, but still, it ain't that bad :)
I'm gonna read the sequel right away! Ciao :)
Half of my friends are placed with TCS :P
And I shall make them read this right away :), Oh of course, the sequel too :)
Well... Sorry to break up Poochie's theory...
TCS is NOT the paradise he is making you think it is. at least has not been so for past 3-4 years
(I speak from experience, and a lot of it as well)
Why don't you join and experience it first hand ;) ..
wonderful blog
good insight on TCS.. :D I still have time to "Not think about jobs" though :/
P.s: Poochie means insect!! yayaya I learnt a new word in Tamil.. :D
He he.. as usual funny! I have a friend exactly like ur Poochie here who joined the same firm, just to meet his school time crush.. lol! though he had no luck with her so far..!
OK so this what the IT sector is all about...!! Dont think I will like TCS though. I have absolutely no interest in renewing my 6th standard crush on a really forgetable primate..! But really do they recruit students in thousands like that? It might be easier to measure them in kilograms right? Good luck to Poochie though.. he is obviously in the right place!
hehehe..totally agree with u!!
No No No TCS :O !
No new experiences , the same old people , the same old things . blaah .
Aim for something different :D
LOL aiming. I sure I hope get there. :D TCS felt like a landing pad but now it feels I feel I will end up in tcs if my future burns in front of my eyes.
Good to know :)
LOL yeah they do recruit us by the thousands. :D Nobody really enjoys TCS but everybody joins it with a lot of hope
Lol I bet he finds someone who is a lot more prettier there. It is a female paradise. :D
LOL thank you. Hehe hopefully you will add to more to your tamil vocabulary by reading my blog :)
Thank you Rekha :)
Haha I am not joining man :D Hopefully :D
:D your friends are gonna catch a plane and come here to whoop my ass :D
You are not in TCS by any chance are u? I am definitely joining TCS then :P :P
LOL the thing is, I dint find his arguments very alluring :D
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