Monday, February 11, 2013

A Feminist Irony

Diary Entry – 52

My friend, who was preparing for the GRE, once came and told me he was left aghast when he saw his sister’s face. She had come home from Bangalore and he intended to tell me that he was surprised to see her. But when he told me he was left aghast when he saw her face, I assumed she got a plastic surgery or met with some kind of major accident which left her face severely disfigured.

Misusing English words is not a problem common to only GRE aspirants. This world is full of people who use the word irony to appear intelligent. It is not really a bad thing, if they didn’t massacre it. I remember the time when this Chinese girl from my class happened to meet me three times in three different places on the same day. The third time she met me she said, “Isn’t this ironic. We are meeting for the third time on the same day.” It almost felt like she was accusing me of stalking her. Some of you reading this will have no clue why using the word “irony” is wrong in this context. Let me explain. Let’s say you had a sweet tasting vanilla ice cream which had a cherry and a few peanut flakes on top of it. You eat it with great joy until you start falling terribly sick, which is when you realize that you are allergic to peanuts. In order to get better, you go to get medicines for your allergy. But on the way you get hit by a giant truck and you die on the spot. This is not irony. Even if this truck was carrying peanuts (the thing that you are allergic to), it is not irony. It would just be a coincidence. If however the truck was carrying medicines for your peanut allergy, then that my friend is some bitter irony. Most people however would call it irony even if you got hit by a garbage truck. Now that you know how the word irony is used, you can haunt all those people who find your death ironic.

The other word which happens to be severely misused is the word “feminist”. A feminist is an activist who strives to establish equal opportunities for women socially. They usually strive for protecting women against discrimination in education and in employment. It still happens in our country and there are some women out there who think feminism is bad. If you are a woman who think feminism is bad, you might as well move to a country like Saudi Arabia right now. Most people just assume that a feminist is a lady who likes to dominate men and who think women should rule over the world. People who think that, often get confused when they see a male feminist. Women who enjoy dominating men are called Dominatrix and if I try to explain what a Dominatrix does, my blog will start getting kinky. The point I am trying to make is that don’t try to offend someone by calling them a feminist. Feminism is a good thing, unless you are threatened by woman empowerment. I know Mayawathi and Jayalalitha might concern a lot of men and women, but I assure you that feminism is not about empowering these kinds of women.

33 Comments for this post:

Revacious said...

I'm pretty sure I saw "irony" misused in some hollywood movie too..
And thanks for clearing the feminist thing! I always turn defiant when ppl bring it up like some dreaded "f" word :\

Vikram Waman Karve said...

Nice interpretation of "feminist"
A very good blog post

Talitha said...

Totally...I like how you put it!
Feminism is one thing that's so badly misinterpreted that it's sometimes better not to use it.
And I was pretty clear on the concept of irony but now I think I might be a teensy bit confused!
Oh well.:)

CYNOSURE said...

nice description indeed... :)

Saro said...

In all honesty, there are many types of feminists. For one, just to problematize, there are the bra burning feminists or radical feminists- those who want to be just like men, unshaved and unhindered. Then there are those that are egalitarian- seeking meritocracy, equal opportunities: wanting what the men have, in e in equal portions. Then there are those that are post modern: seeking not to equalize with men but looking for what is best for a woman, on her own. I interpret it like this: wanting choice. I don't want to go to work, if I don't want to- I don't want to be told to be a home maker because I'm a girl, neither do I want to be told to go to work, because I'm an educated woman and that's where we belong. As such, I'd say if someone didn't believe in being a feminist or interpreted that as a negative thing, it's ok. Obviously, they're not being very intelligent and are throwing words around, or they could be getting confused. And if they know and they still don't like it, let's let them be. That's their choice :D

Kirklops said...

To be fair to the Chinese girl she could have been thinking about not meeting you till next class. Wait, would meeting you then be irony? Well, if it was easy to be ironic, that would be irony. No, wait!!!

ra said...

what i understand from the word irony is .. when words int he sentence convey exactly the opposite meaning to what is expressed in the sentence. take for example:

such a good friend you are to leak out all my secrets.

i hope it sounds correct!

Talitha said...

I've tagged you with the Liebster blog award.Go check it out when you can!:)

Anonymous said...

i thought that is sarcasm, but that sounds ironic !!

The Narcissist said...

Irony must be one of the most misused words in the planet. :D

The Narcissist said...

Thanks Vikram :)

The Narcissist said...

Haha thanks for the Liebster award Talitha. I am glad you always find time to stop by my blog and leave a comment :)

The Narcissist said...

Thanks Cynosure

The Narcissist said...

Wow. Kichu are you reading this? :D Are you sure that the bra burning feminists were not celebrating bakrid?

The Narcissist said...

oh boy lol

The Narcissist said...

Yeah yatin is right. That is more in the lines of sarcasm. :)

The Narcissist said...

Lol I go a great deal to sound intelligent myself. So I am some what of an expert in the matter :P

C Suresh said...

My pet peeve is the use of the word 'improvise'. Like 'Your advice has helped me improvise my writing' and all that. Apparently they think 'improvise' is a more erudite word for 'improve'.

Easwar Arumugam said...

Writing or speaking English is like walking on a rope, a small slip will bring disaster.

indu chhibber said...

Good of you to come out against the massacre of English.Misspelling can still be tolerated but grammatical mistakes-they rile.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's Kinky!

Me Gusta.

However, we could use the term 'overly feminist' I guess.

Enigma said...

Extreme of anything is bad. It is general tendency among people to put to maximum use any newly learned word, especially Angreji words, whether the word fits the context or not. It may seem weird but in my case I have witnessed and heard many stories regarding does-not-matter-if-fits-context-or-not use of the word 'paradox' especially when newly acquired in vocabulary.

The Narcissist said...

Haha if you are a professor, you will create a great deal of agony :D

The Narcissist said...

Lol not so much of a disaster in our country :D

The Narcissist said...

Lol I am no champion of english though :D

The Narcissist said...

Lol you googled it didnt you :D

The Narcissist said...

Haha in india, the context where you use the english words matters very little :D In chennai, you will see english words in our tamil vocabulary with altered meaning. That is one of gifts to the language because of english colonization.

Anonymous said...

YES. I hate when people use "feminist" as an insult these days.. like, what?!
Also, you're hilarious and I might end up stalking you too.. buahaha =P

Ramakant Pradhan said...

Very well explained. I guess now I am clear on feminist.

The Narcissist said...

Lol thank you Ariyathe. I am glad you liked my blog :)

The Narcissist said...

Lol glad to have that cleared :D

Hi said...

When people try to extend their vocabulary it is also necessary to learn the proper usage of those words :/

One such incident I know is, there is this guy who acts like a know-it-all English guru, he was asked to do the welcome speech and he called the chief guest a philanderer instead of philanthropist :O poor guy :/ I wasn't able to hold my laughter :))

The Narcissist said...

Oh my god that is epic. He must have got expelled from school :D I cant stop laughing lol :D :D :D Imagining myself as the chief guest lol :D