Diary Entry – 41

I applied to six universities in the United States and one University in
the United Kingdom. I applied for Industrial Engineering, specialising in
Operations Research in the US and Business Analytics and Consulting in Warwick
Business School UK. Ever since I got that offer letter from Warwick Business
School, people who dont know shit have been giving me their advice. Some have
concluded that I am stupid. I know I really shouldn’t be listening to you
people, but it fills me with a small sense of doubt every time I hear something
in the lines of “You are making the biggest mistake of your life”. So let me
answer the whys whats and hows.
There is an industry called consulting which most people in
India have not heard of. The people who work there are called consultants or
they may have other fancy names like Business Analysts etc. It is what
companies like Mckinsey do for a living. Good consulting companies are hard to
get into. That is because they invest a lot of money in training the new consultants
and if the newly hired people leave after a few years saying that consulting is
not meant for them, then it will mean loss for the company. So they are very
picky when choosing people and they hire people who have demonstrated an
interest in consulting or people who have already been in consulting.
I have always wanted
to do MBA. Years ago, I spoke to someone who did his MBA from Boston Business
School. He told me the smartest and the top bunch of students in the MBA class
will usually prefer consulting. The middle set of students will go into finance
and the bottom of the class will go into marketing. He asked me to get a job in
consulting before I do my MBA. If the work experience I had was from a
consulting company, it will be a lot easier for me to get an admission to the
top business schools in the world. My consulting background will give a higher
value to my profile. He told me this years ago and I had no idea what
consulting was then and you can even say I forgot about consulting up until the
time I studied Operations Research in college. I decided that Operations Research is the thing I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I remembered what my senior told me years ago, when I was researching the job prospects of Operations Research. Consulting was a job where you will use Operations Research ever day, to help solve problems. I had no idea. Naturally, the statement of purpose I sent in was very strong. Also I had done work in the field which made it even more strong. No the course in Warwick is
not MBA. It is still called masters.
If you are from India, you will probably here people tell
you that if you do an MBA you have to get into finance. That is because consulting
companies don’t come to most Indian MBA colleges except maybe the IIMs. That
brings us to the next question. Why did you not write CAT? I am not smart enough for that exam. It is easier to get admission
into Harvard Business School when compared to getting admission into any of the
IIMs. CAT is that hard. So the next thing people ask is why I don’t do my MBA
directly. MBA programs abroad
require two years of relevant work
experience. They wont give you admission otherwise. Even if by some fluke you
get admission without work experience, you will struggle to complete the
Also the tution fee for the MBA is not cheap. If you study
in good universities, it will cost you $80,000.If I worked for a few years in
consulting, I will not only have the relevant experience but since consulting
is one of the highest paying jobs in the US and in the world, I will also have
the money to pay for my MBA.
I applied for Industrial Engineering
specialising in OR because it is more or less the same thing. Operations
Research is what you will use for consulting. If I did Industrial Engineering
specialising in OR, I can still get into consulting. However you can do a lot
of other things with OR. The program in Warwick Business School is tailor made
for consulting which makes it better for my interests when compared to the
courses in US. It like a mechanical engineer can work in aerodynamics apart
from other things like manufacturing and automobile, but if you are bent on
doing aerodynamics to begin with, is it not a lot better if you did a course on
aerodynamics instead of something generic like mechanical engineering. You will
save yourself the trouble of not learning a lot of things you will never use in
your life.
Also when compared to the masters program in the US, I will
finish the course in Warwick in half the time and I will have to spend 30% less
if I studied in Warwick. I have not received any admit letter from the
universities in the US till now anyway. No, it does not mean they rejected me.
If they rejected me, they will send an email saying I am not competent enough.
I have got no email so far and I am not going to wait for it.
After explaining all this to the people who test my sanity,
they usually say “But dude, I have never heard of Warwick Business School”. What can I say man. Just because you
haven’t heard it doesn’t mean it is bad. If you don’t believe me, you have to at
least believe the Financial Times. They made a ranking of top business schools
in the world for 2012 and Warwick is ranked 27th. Financial Times.
How I got admission, on the next blog post...
I know UK has a reputation of kicking students out of their
country as soon as they finish their course, but I still think this is the best
option I have right now.
My blogging friend BluBluBling, who is doing her CA told me
that I should not go when I have TCS :D :D. There is nothing more awesome then
working for the Tatas rite? Well she probably told me that because she is doing
CA and has no idea what TCS is. Also she did not want brilliant minds like mine
to leave the country. But if you are an engineer and if you ask me to join TCS, then you must really hate me.
28 Comments for this post:
Congrats on the admit Macha. Good going and best of luck for the remaining universities.
If Warwick wants quality free publicity; it doesn't get better than this - because this almost sounded like your SOP with the answers to various Why's, What's and How's.
Don't bother about the advice people throw at you because I`m sure they know squat about what O.R or Industrial Engineering or a career in consulting is and they just mean well.
For Heavens sake, don't even consider TCS when you have an admit in hand :P.
Cheers :)
dear friend ,
in general follow your mind .you know better mostly
Dude, I can understand ur angst from the tone of your post..I have been working in a dabba software company from 2 yrs and all I can tell you is, do whatever you want man!..balls to all those people, TCS is rofl-ly ridiculous..if u join now, you'll be absorbed into the corporate quicksand..escape when u can :)..all the best!
Congrats Dude ..
hey i learnt a fact about life and people "listen to all but do what your heart say!!!"
screw the world and remember DO NOT TRUST anyone but yourself!!!
When Amitabh Bachchan went for Acting audition, the director then laughed and chased him away saying acting is not your business and see today, nobody knows about the director but all knows who AB is...
my cousin did her mbs from dublin business school.. nobody had even heard about such a school and now she holds a green card there!
Congrats on the admit. It's a fantastic school
What's not fantastic: ".....smartest and the top bunch of students in the MBA class will usually prefer consulting. The middle set of students will go into finance and the bottom of the class will go into marketing..." That just doesn't justify consulting as a career option to anyone.
And TCS: well ...hehe
I think this is a great post, for folks out there looking for help on deciding career options.
Nah my sop was a lot better than this. If I did not get my admission I would have committed suicide. :D
Thank you haroon :)
No quick sand for me :P Thank you :) I just met someone special who has your name. You can even say I met her because of you :P
Lol thanks man. Some day :P
lol I think I will still love being an Indian Citizen
Lol thank you for pointing it out :D I cant believe I forgot to write about the reason why I wanted to do consulting lol. If that was the only reason why I wanted to do consulting, I would have never have got an admit ;)
Pls go with your decisions ..Dont consult anyone ..if u like it then better you go for it .Regarding TCS ..Just you will get your pay every month but you will be 1 among thousands.No recognition nothing .If you are gifted with strong financial background you can take up your education in UK but don't end-up without a job ,after the completion of your course its hurts a lot .
Don't question my intelligence >_<
I don't want you to go , because I don't want you to go. Period :P Don't make me manifest you into joining TCS :P :)
You can take best decisions yourself...Love the quotation !!
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I think I need to write a post abt law of attraction :P
Yeah money is a problem :(
Thank you :)
yes :P :D :D
I think I'm the only one who comes to your blog again to see what you replied also :P
Me is soo nice ^_^ . I'm just too good to be true :P Your narcissism has rubbed on me :P
Warwick ??? whoaaaa...awesome .. congratualationssss ..... you are the second person who has said "Mckinsy" , with so much of LOVE .. serious ... :).. Allll d bestttttt :)
lol thank you Mckinsy is still very much a dream though :D
nope u are more narcissistic
Well if you don't dream, you never achieve it :) ....
How can you say that you met her bcos of me?? :D
LOl with people like you behind me, there is nothing I cannot achieve ;)
I started talking to her because I thought it was u :P
Congrats! :)
Thank you :)
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