Diary Entry - 49
It all started when I went to class here in the UK a little
late and found myself without a pen. I was fortunate enough to find myself
sitting next to a good female friend who I had acquainted myself with over the
weeks. In India, if I forgot my pen and if the lecture was going on, I would take
the pen out of my friend's pocket with only a few hand and eye movements being
exchanged. I thought since I was in England and since the person sitting next
to me was a girl, I should do things the old fashioned way and so I actually told
the girl sitting next to me “Hey Christy, give me your pen” before I took it.
Back home in India my relatives laud my mother on raising a polite and well-mannered boy. The British however think otherwise.

Never did I think I would offend someone so much by taking a
pen. You think you know how to talk in English until you realize every word that comes out your mouth has the potential to
offend someone. Later I learn that if I had to borrow a pen from Christy the proper
way, I should begin by first exclaiming “Oh god I forgot my pen at home. What
do I do now!” Most people don’t react to your problems and Christy might have
been no exception. So then you look at her pen and say, “Oh that pen that you
have there, looks really nice. Where did you get it?”. She will get the message and just so that she doesn't seem inconsiderate she will say, “Oh hey you can use my pen.” Now you don’t take
the pen straight after she offered it to you, because that will make you seem like you are someone
who exploits other people’s kindness. So what do you do? You say, “Oh thank
you. But wouldn’t you mind if I used your pen to write down my notes?” for
which she will say “Oh not at all.” Then as you take her pen from her hand, you
repeat several times the words, “Are you sure?” before you actually take the pen
and start writing with it. That’s not the end of it. While writing with her pen, you
say, “Oh this pen writes so well. I have never seen a pen like this before in
my life.” The idea is to compliment the pen that she gave you and you are
supposed to do this even if it doesn't write properly. Then after you finished
writing with her pen, you return it while remembering to say “Thank you so much”. It is
important that you follow these instructions to the letter, otherwise you risk
offending her. For example, if you forgot to say thank you Christy would have felt used. I had trouble saying thank you after borrowing a pen from someone I knew
well because saying thank you after borrowing a pen is all it takes to freak
out your friends in India.
It was very hard for me to talk in a way the British found
polite but I have it all figured out now. All I do now is look at every normal
conversation that I have, as a conversation with my high school vice principal Sita miss (Yeah we called teachers miss in our school, instead of madame because we didn't want them to feel old). Students
of my school feared Sita miss because she was an angry woman who could talk on stage without
the aid of a microphone. The entire auditorium would be able to hear her loud and clear.
We always thought she could make a career in Italy as an opera singer, if she wasn’t so short tempered. So before every conversation I have in this country I
think of Sita miss. Say there is this guy next to me having a pack of chips
(or crisps as they call it Britian) and it is making my mouth water. Since I don’t
want to be rude I think in my head, “How will I ask Sita miss to share her
packet of chips with me?” It will not be long before I realize that getting my own bag of chips is the best course of action in the UK.
The skill of being polite is however a worthy skill to have and if you
attain sufficient mastery of this skill, you can insult or be rude to someone in a very
polite way. I will teach you
a few things I have learnt on how to tell people the truth without offending them:
1. Say something very rude and say it is cute -
Hey you are wearing too much make up. It makes you look cute.
2. Insult someone and say you don’t know any better
- I think what you are wearing is horrible. My sense of fashion must suck.
This is especially useful, with members of the family or
friends, where you want to say what you think but don’t want to offend them.
Like say you have a sister-in-law and she comes to your marriage wearing a
gaudy dress and with an awful lot of makeup. The only way to tell her the truth and have a happily married life is by being polite.
I know it is Monday. Just so that you know,
I am still sticking to my new year resolution of posting every Sunday. My excuse for posting on Monday instead of Sunday is that the two days have only the first two letters different.
27 Comments for this post:
Eek. Too much politeness makes the whole world blind, I say.
The whole 'being polite' thing sounds so tiring! :|
And I thought Indians were supposed to be the old-fashioned ones...but you can't generalize,can you??!
nice observation about the English mentality. There is an interesting read 'watching the english' by kate fox. an interesting peek into the english minds
My GOD...so much of talking for a pen..the ppl UK seem to be having lots of time in their lives for all these courtesy words..:)
and what if we don't return that pen !! half my life I've been using the pens borrowed once and never returned !!
Too much politeness makes the whole world a bunch of hypocrites :D
It is hard at first, but you get used to it eventually. :D
I dont know what you mean by old fashioned, but if you mean they are polite people, then the west thinks we are the most rudest and angry class of people lol.
Thanks. I need great inspiration to read fiction. But I will however ask my girl friend to read it if she hasnt already.
Trust me they have more time in their hands than you can imagine. Though the people are not lazy, they have a very lazy culture.
If you dont return the pen, you will become socially blacklisted. :D You shouldnt risk it in the UK
v nice ,,,we have to be polite anyway..:)
No problem with Sunday or Monday, but yes, to keep your conjugal life going, you need to be polite to your in-laws. :P.
Its good to be polite, but I am not sure if being too polite is good.
Oh I loved your post sooo mcuh. I thought the opening lines were dhasooo but the whole post was written in a very tongue in cheek manner. Blog rolling you right away.
One hilarious post i must say. :D
Yea? You think so?
There is no such thing as too polite Anupama :D
I am glad you enjoyed it :)
Thanks Diksha :)
Thanks for the tips.
Now let me see if they work :)
really good man!!
My tips are fool proof Vikram :D
Thanks Akash
Try being polite to me sometime. HMMPH :P I would take " Your designing skills suck but you are cute :P "
Now you know that you are not getting that from me in any of the parallel universes that exist.
Lol trust me. The stuff you have to do, to be in people's good books can be a lot worse.
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