Diary Entry 20
But I have not forgotten my blog. I tell everybody I see to read it (and you should do that too :D). When I ask people to read my blog, they always ask me what my blog is about. I have no idea how to answer that question. When I started writing I wanted to write about economics, psychology, politics, science and things like that. But I realised that if I wrote about these things, the ideas won’t be mine. I will simply be restating what I read somewhere else. I did not want that because I wanted to write something that was entirely mine. Also, there are so many political, economics and science blogs these days that when I tell people that I am writing a blog and when I ask them to read it, most of them think "Oh no. Not another Blog. I have read enough about Sonia Gandhi". These things put most people to sleep. I did not want my blog to replace bed time stories like "The Arabian Nights". So for the sake of the children of tomorrow, I stay away from blogging about these things. I don’t know what category my blog belongs to. It’s a blog about me but then again it is not a personal blog. Usually personal blogs are dark, self introspective, depressed writing about a person’s life. There is an urge to write such things, but if I ever write such things, only my psychiatrist will be interested in reading it.
If this is the first post you are reading in my blog, I suggest you stop and move on to the next :). You can still read this post if you are a first timer, but you must promise to read some of my other posts too :D...
In college I don’t have as much time as I did at home to write blog posts. I don’t have the time to think about things to write because here time goes in fast forward speed. I wake up and before I realise what happened, the day is over. The only time I can think about my blog is during Plant Engineering classes. A sad man comes to class and talks to himself for an hour. Staring at his face I get all the ideas for my next post. But apart from that I don’t have any time at all. I would write a new post everyday if things were moving at a normal speed but life is moving at 4x at the moment.

I started writing last month when I planned to do a lot of things. I wanted to do an intern in Ford. I wanted to learn things like yoga so that I will have flexibility like an alien. But I did none of this. I did not get my intern because I applied really late. I did not learn yoga because all the instructor promised to teach me was how to breathe (and I thought 800 Rupees was a bit too much for lessons on how to breathe). So since I had nothing better to do in life I thought I might spend the time writing. I did not want anybody to read my blog at first. I showed it to one person who liked my blog a lot. This made me show it to another person and another person and another person and in the end, I ended up sharing my link in face book.
Bloggers have been very kind to me. I got a special mention in some of their blogs. Bloggers like Risha Kalra put up the URL of my blog in her site. These are people I have never seen in my life. Vijay Menon even mentioned me in his post. Though it was a chain post that goes from blogger to blogger, it was still one of those moments that I will never forget. VJ writes about things like politics that I promised myself to not write about and yet he writes in a way that will not bore. So even if politics and sports is not something that fascinates you, I would ask you to go check out his blog.
My greatest moment however was when a friend of mine, who never reads anything other than his girl friendS text messages, read my blog. Not only did he read my blog but he also “loved” it. You would have seen tears in my eyes when he said he that :D. There have also been people who liked my blog but found some parts of it disrespectful or obnoxious. I brought the obnoxiousness level down after that. There are also some who think I am a pathetic writer lol. When I write, I keep in mind people like my womanizer friend, who put his girlfriends aside to read my blog. I don’t write to win the Noble prize for literature. That is why you see a very simple and unsophisticated language in my blog. Not everybody will read my blog if they have to check in with the dictionary after every couple of sentences or if they have to read the post several times like a science journal to understand at least a little. People like my Casanova friend, who is way too busy with so many women will never come to my blog after that. Some of the posts which I wrote before, which was either very serious or too complicated for most people to understand, have been removed for this reason. If you are a Goth who covets depression then my blog is certainly not for you. (If you really are Gothic, please send me a request in facebook. I love you guys, especially your sense of fashion :D)
I love all my followers. If you are a fellow blogger and you are following me, I promise to read all your posts right from the first one to the last when I get the time. I will follow you back right away so that I will remember to read your posts when I get the time. Hugs >:D< . Not following me yet? Click Join this site and use Yahoo/Gmail email or your Twitter account and start following. NOW!!! (You won’t get any annoying emails :D)
As long as we are saying unconnected things, I might as well say that Gladiator is the most awesome movie ever made (Watch it a hundred times and when you are done watching it, listen to the soundtrack another 100 times.)
20 Comments for this post:
That alien pic is so cute btw :P
I like your non over high english and nice and sweet and funny blog just the way it is :) !!
Hahaha,now a days even I keep sharing the link on FB :p
And just fyi,I learn yoga for 400 a month and they teach SO much more than just breathing :/ Where do u stay re??
Anyways nice post and hugs to u too >:D<
this is the reason that I've three blogs. in two of my blogs I write very informally. the third one is about health and therefore i can't make it funny every time.
And honestly, boring classes actually makes our mind to think, not about the subjects but about other "important" things. And you write nice posts. that's why you've gained 53 followers in just one month.
I don't know re :P
Just Happens !! :D
the only blog where i can read things which are simple... everything discussed in a light hear-ted way ... way to go !!
Hey Risha ...I like your blog.....And I PROMISE to read all the posts...:)....Thnx for following my blog...
@ Neha: Thanks a lot girl, so freaking sweet of you.I will be trying some of those recipes you posted on your blog too :) ;)
And Abhishek: I read it here only ;)
Dude....u r goin good man!...lovin it more and more......
Lol, it was so clearly for me abhishek!!
Haha, Jokes apart, take it, you deserve it! ;)
Nice blog. :)
Are you asking for it :D
I guess, no need! ;)
:D lol how come u always end up reading my post as soon as it its published??? :D
Thank you ashwini :)
Thank you very much :)
Where is my humility:P
Thanks Macha
:D I think the "I like your blog" part of Neha's comment was for me :P
Oh lol if that entire comment was for Risha, then she will see it if you posted it in her blog :D :D :D.
But if you were saying Hi to Risha and if the later part of the comment was for me, then let me tell you that I followed you right away when my mouth watered looking at the pictures in your blog... :D
Thanks a lot btw. (For liking my blog and for the great pictures)
:D thanks macha
Ya happens every time :D.
:O 3 blogs? I cant even deal with one here lol.
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